[A03] Deep-fried Pork Chop with Curry Sauce in Japanese Sauce(Kin Ying Pork)
Serving Portion: 2 to 3 persons
1. Lightly pat pork chop in corn starch, then dip in beaten egg mixture followed by breadcrumbs.
2. Deep-fry pork chop in hot oil until cooked (alternatively, shallow fry until golden).
3. Remove and drain. Sauté Onion in a little oil. Stir and add in 150ml of water & curry block.
4. Simmer over low heat until curry block dissolves and serve.

Ingredients: Kin Ying boneless pork chops, Japanese breadcrumbs, Onion, Japanese curry, Sugar, Pepper, Chicken powder, Shaoxing wine, Water Sesame oil, Corn starch, Oil
Need ingredients: Beaten eggs, Corn starch