[D101] Stir-fried Squid with Garlic, Cashew nut & Broccoli with XO sauce
Serving Portion: 2 to 3 persons
1. Blanch carrots and broccoli into boiled water for a minute. Set aside.
2. Blanch sliced squid into boiled water. Set aside.
3. Saute sliced garlic and minced ginger in hot oil. Add and stir-fry with broccoli and carrots until soft.
4. Add and stir-fry with sliced squid and sauce mixture until cooked. Serve.

Ingredients: Squid, Broccoli, Carrot, Ginger, Cashew nut, XO sauce, Sugar, Shaoxing wine, Corn starch, Chicken powder, Salt, Sesame oil, Pepper
Need ingredients: Sauce mixture: 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, Splash of sesame oil